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Vetbed® Original (圖案款)

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❤️ 疏水、透氣、保溫 ❤️ 預防褥瘡 ❤️ 耐洗、快乾 (手洗、機洗亦可) ❤️ 以人造纖維織製 ❤️ 可以自行裁剪,裁剪口會有少量纖維脫落,梳刷一下便可以處理 ❤️ 適用於任何生命週期的寵兒 ❤️ 輕便、易於攜帶 ❤️ 適用於家居、車廂、寵物籠、寵物酒店等等 ❤️ 英國製造 Vetbed® Original dog and cat bedding is recommended by vets and is widely used by professionals. It is the safest and most effective fabric ever developed for general and professional use, the perfect hard-wearing, everyday bed for your pet. Dog and cat bedding with tremendous strength and durability whilst retaining luxurious feel. The higher bulk and superb heat retention distinguishes it from all other dog beds. ❤️ Easily machine washable without deterioration time after time ❤️ Hygienic, non-irritant, non-allergenic and non-toxic ❤️ Keeps pets dry, warm and cosy ❤️ Excellent drainage properties ❤️ Suitable for the Home, Office, Car, Kennel, Basket and Travelling Crate ❤️ Made in England ❤️ Can also be used for rabbits!
